Rust and Consequences

Steel and Rust In the last decade or so, weathering steel has become a popular material for architectural and landscaping features. This material is an untreated steel alloy that will weather in the elements over time, gaining a rust-like patina. This look can provide an attractive accent in a modern...

Planters in Modern Design

Powerful Planters Modern landscape designs frequently feature raised or modular planters as a way to add interest and solve certain design challenges. Outdoor decks, terraces, porches, balconies, and even standard planting beds can use planters to enhance the look and feel of those outdoor spaces. They don’t have to be...

Bioretention for Storm Water Management

What the heck is a Bioretention Facility? As we have mentioned in a post or two already, much of the work we do for new developments and construction in Seattle revolves around stormwater management requirements. One tool for meeting the need to manage heavy rainfall is the installation of bioretention...

Tree Planting Season in Seattle

When is the Best Time for Planting? A tree is likely the most important planting in any landscape project, not to mention the most expensive. It pays to give it the best chance possible to thrive in its new setting. Transplanted trees need plenty of water, so the height of...

Green Roofs for Function and Beauty

What are Green Roofs? While there is a long history of roofs featuring living plants, modern green roofs are becoming a more common feature in new construction in the Puget Sound region and across the country. But what exactly do we mean by the term “green roof”? The simplest definition...

Irrigation Technology Has Come A Long Way

Irrigation Technology Irrigation technology has come a long way in the last decade and a half. Drip irrigation is much more prevalent these days, along with smart irrigation controllers.  Imagine a system that knows how much water your landscape needs on a given day and automatically delivers it to each...

Improving Irrigation Coverage

Why is Coverage So Poor? Conventional irrigation systems perform at about 60% efficiency, mostly due the need for coverage over irregularly shaped areas. This leads to lawns with brown spots, certain plants out performing other s in summer heat, overspray onto hardscape surfaces, or a few shrubs hogging water. There are a...

Many Choices for Lawn Installations

The traditional grass lawn remains a standby of residential landscaping. When it comes to establishing a new lawn, nothing offers the instant impact of rolling out newly farmed sod. However, other choices are available and even gaining in popularity. Synthetic turf options, sod lawn varieties, and hydroseed blends have all...

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