an Immersive Design Process

Immersive Design Process

Our Clients Want an Immersive Process

We’re continually learning new ways to transform outdoor spaces and create life-changing events outside your home. Part of that journey is how we present and go over design-related information with you. We think people have the best sense of what will work in their space. They just need to meet a guide capable of bridging concepts and reality in a fun and easy to understand way. Our 3D Plans help create an immersive design process that enables us to dream together so we can create something truly amazing.

Plan Readability

Clients need to be able to interact with designs and imagine the final installation without first becoming industry experts themselves. Trust is vital in any working relationship, but understanding is parallel to that where the more you can understand, the easier it is to create something fantastic.

It’s not right to go through any design process to find out you and your designer were not in alignment like you had once thought. “The force is strong with you.” If you can imagine the final completed project and become immersed in it, you will be able to find what you don’t like and make improvements before the project starts vs. regret once it is complete.


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At True Scape Design, our Landscape Architects can create an immersive design process combining 3D Plans, Photorealistic Renderings, and Videos in conjunction with color rendered 2D plans and construction details for less money than most can create a simple 2D plan. As a design-build company, we often install the work we’ve designed, but in the design process, we make sure not to omit any information helpful to the completion of the work. This way, you’re free to use whomever you’d like for the installation, and no aspect that would be a given for our crews get left out for the review from others.

Our Plans Avoid Failure

With us, you can truly feel connected to your outdoor spaces from first imaginings to finishing touches.

Outdoor Spaces

3D Plan

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Permit Ready Plans

It’s not all rainbows and stuff, and there is a dryer side for you, which of course, we still find thrilling. Many places we work require specific permitting from SDCI, SDOT, or some other building department. It could be due to an Environmentally Critical Area, walls over four feet, or maybe a deck that triggers these aspects. Regardless our Landscape Architects are just as passionate about presenting beautiful plans to City Officials as they are when showing stuff to you. Our design process includes all those aspects in addition to working with outside consultants, Geotechs, Engineers, and the like. When the work gets complicated, its yet another opportunity to shine in providing a turn-key design-build process.


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